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Mod Help


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I am creating my first mod so yes i am a noob. Every time i check the saved game in my oblivion data file the game starts to load gets to Bethesda Softworks and then it quits and says that it needs to close. please help



Hp pavilion Dv5 Notebook PC (Vista Home premium 64bit)

4Gb ram

Intel core dual CPU T6400 @ 2GHZ


Oblivion Mod list














Alternative Start by Robert Evrae.esp (Unchecked)




GKs Max Merchant Gold.esp




Thanks for any help you can give

~Raproductions you're friends in 3D animation and Web-design


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It is still not working


A little bit of detail would be helpful so people don't have to make guesses in the dark.


What does your mod do? Does it rely on a Master File, besides Oblivion ESM, obviously?


If you're making a mod that needs another ESM to load that could very well be why the game won't run.


Besides that...why do you have both Ren's Full and Hairs Only? You only need one esp, most likely Ren's Full because it has everything included. This is not likely to be related to your other problem though.

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It relies on two master files oblivion.esm and TLS mannequins.esm


Every mod relies on Oblivion ESM. Do you have the TLS Mannequins.esm activated when you try to start your game? An esp that relies on another ESM besides Oblivion.esm will load that Master anyway, IF it's in the data folder, of course.


Otherwise, you need to check your mod files and see where you may have made a mistake or made an unintended change.


As I said, if you give some kind of info on what you're trying to do someone may be able to help. Otherwise it's a shot in the dark.

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I have been trying to create a worldspace following this tutorial http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index...ry:World_Spaces i follow just like it says. i have every mod listed above checked except for alternate start. as long as the mod that i made is not checked it will load fine but as soon as i check my mod it goes to the error message as shown above and here game starts to load gets to Bethesda Softworks and then it quits and says that it needs to close.
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