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skyrim crashing


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Your BOSS log shows a lot of files are containing dirty edits. I'd strongly suggest downloading TES5Edit and using it. Start there. I didn't even look at your papy log or anything yet, but the number of dirty edits BOSS is showing is enough to wreck a game.


If you look up "TES5Edit Gopher" on YouTube you'll find a few videos that show you how easy the cleaning tool really is to use.

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If you are getting a crash before you even get to the Bethesda logo, then yes, Gopher has a video showing how to diagnose and fix that issue. It is almost always a missing master file or dependency and he corrects it using TES5EDIT from the Nexus.


The video is here..


Remember to thumb him up on youtube if his video helps you.

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When it comes to cleaning mods it's best for the mod makers. But the Skryim, Update, and DLC .esm files are full of dirty edits that don't need to be there and can cause some issues with certain mods. Removing them is even suggested by BOSS.

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