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Skyrim crashes as soon as I open it and make it past Bethesda logo


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So I just got into modding Skyrim and have have been downloading a couple mods, but after I added a couple mods I opened my game and it keeps crashing once I made it past the Bethesda logo. I'm brand new to modding it, so I downloaded Boss, but have no I idea what anything in the log means so any help would be greatly appreciated!


Boss Log
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Gopher has a YouTube video on how to diagnose and correct the Crash on Startup error. it is almost always a missing master file or dependency from one of the mods you are using and he details how to use TES5EDIT to locate and correct the problem...




If you do find that the video helps you, please remember to Thumb it up on YouTube to thank him.

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When someone on the forums asks for a BOSS log, what they really mean is the listing that BOSS displays when you run BOSS to show you the load order it is setting for your game. This often has clues as to what masters are missing and some other common problems as well as whether or not a mod has dirty edits ( dirty edits are usually not a problem as over 95% of them are just a duplicated record that will not affect the game at all. The second record just overwrites the first with no change at all. Cleaning doesn't hurt, but often doesn't make any difference either.)


Look through the listing for missing masters, known conflicts and messages like "only one of these options should be active" and FIX those before proceeding to more complex possible solutions. I have lost count of the number of BOSS 'logs' that I have seen posted with messages like, "Missing Master xxx is required for this to work." or, "Only one of these options should be used at a time"


If you are missing a master - it WILL crash

If you use multiple exclusive options - It WILL crash

If you use a mod that requires SKSE - It WILL (most likely) crash immediately if you forgot to start the game with SKSE

If you use conflicting mods - It MAY crash - but maybe not immediately.

If you have dirty edits - It will probably NOT crash instantly, but MAY later on if a dirty edit actually does overwrite something important (low probability)


Use copy/paste to post the BOSS listing to the forums. And, if you can, hide the log in spoiler tags so it doesn't take up several pages of the forum forcing people who don't want to look at it to scroll a lot to see the next post.

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