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Wrye Bash Launch into SSE


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I use Wrye Bash 311 Standalone Executable 7z and open it on my desktop and then just drop the Mopy into my Skyrim SSE directory, where my SkyrimSE.exe is. As far as I know this works with any version of Skyrim SE. I have never used Wry Bash or any other tool to launch my game so I do not know how that would work.


I just launched SSE AE from Wrye Bash and it launched right away. I am playing 1.6.659 so I do not know if this makes a difference, My launch icon says "Launch Skyrim Special Edition (GOG) + SKSE64" without the quotation marks.

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Thanks for the reply. I don't know what a MOPY is. But, I fixed the issue.


I too was using the standalone. I installed it in it's own folder and had to select SSE everytime.


Afterwards, I used the installer and it installed WryeBash into the SSE folder. Now WryeBash opens into SSE without having to select anything.

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