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Running script on load

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So this little piece of code exists on the wiki that appears to be what I was looking for:

ScriptName YourQuestScript extends Quest
Float fVersion
Event OnInit()
	Maintenance() ; OnPlayerLoadGame will not fire the first time
Function Maintenance()
	If fVersion < 1.01 ; <--- Edit this value when updating
		fVersion = 1.01 ; and this
		Debug.Notification("Now running YourModName version: " + fVersion)
		; Update Code
	; Other maintenance code that only needs to run once per save load


ScriptName YourPlayerAliasScript extends ReferenceAlias
YourQuestScript Property QuestScript Auto
Event OnPlayerLoadGame()

The first bit is self explanatory and just works. It's the second bit that gets me. I assume I need to make an alias for the player and attach the script to that alias? If so, anybody wanna be a peach and hold my hand while walking me through exactly how that is done?


Quest Aliases tab > right click > New Reference Alias > Give it a name > select Unique > Player?


Is that right? How do I then attach the script to the alias?


Any assistance is appreciated.

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  On 6/4/2023 at 6:11 PM, somhairle69tx said:

I assume I need to make an alias for the player and attach the script to that alias?


OnPlayerLoadGame() is sent by the actor reference of the player (RefID: 00000014).


So, if the reference alias points at the player, then this event is received by the reference alias script without registration.

Event OnPlayerLoadGame()

However, if you don't want to make a quest alias for the player, you can register for this event in the reference alias or the quest script:

ScriptName YourQuestScript extends Quest

YourQuestScript Property QuestScript Auto

Event OnInit()
	RegisterForRemoteEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "OnPlayerLoadGame")

Event Actor.OnPlayerLoadGame(Actor akSender)
  On 6/4/2023 at 6:11 PM, somhairle69tx said:

Quest Aliases tab > right click > New Reference Alias > Give it a name > select Unique > Player?


Yes, that'd make a quest alias for the player.


  On 6/4/2023 at 6:11 PM, somhairle69tx said:

How do I then attach the script to the alias?


Quest Aliases tab > right click > New Reference Alias > Give it a name > select Unique > Player >> Click OK to exit the window "Reference Alias" >> Click OK to exit the window "Quest: [your quest name]". Then reopen the player's quest alias >> Papyrus Scripts >> Add >> New Script.

Edited by LarannKiar
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