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Stardew Valley

Game Crashing Spring 17 Year 1


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Hi there,


I'm new to modding and I've recently added mods and I've not been having issues. Starting on day 17 of spring I am experiencing a long load time then after a few moments outside (less than the time to create copper ingot) the game crashes to desktop.


Here's my log: https://smapi.io/log/64cd0fbeb0a3409d86e41c820c4b77c7


I had left the game to get the Automate mod, though even after removing it does it anyways. I was wondering if someone more skilled than I were able to look at the logs and see if they can see anything wrong?


I have 53 mods running though it has been rather smooth to play up until now. I have been able to carry out all of my tasks, events and anything you would normally do. Nothing in particular is triggering the crash.


Thank you for your time!.

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