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DESPERATELY need help: game freezes and teleports me into the sky over Bleakwind Basin upon loading a save.


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You read the title right. Every time I try to load a save, the game flips out, freezing for a moment before teleporting me to the skies above Bleakwind Basin (for some reason?), where I either just land there, get sent to a blank, vast ocean with floating islands somewhere in the distance, or fall to my death from 1000 feet onto some random barrel. No, this is not a non-sequitur joke post. Its is dead serious. I've seen this game crash and s*** the bed numerous times over the years, but never anything like this. I don't know much about modding, but I've tried what little I do know - I've tried uninstalling my ENB and all of its auxiliary mods as my computer isn't high end and was wondering if it was taxing my system too much. I tried cleaning everything in TES5Edit. Nothing. Absolutely nothing works.

But at least when it's on an existing save, more often than not, I can just fast-travel. That's not a luxury you have when you start a new game, where we see a whole new slew of problems. It either flips out and does what I described above right as soon as the carriage noise starts, or it seems stable until you get to the part where Alduin attacks. Right before Ralof can hail you, the game freezes, and upon trying to reload the save after quitting, you see one of Helgen's towers for a split second before you're whisked away to the skies above Bleakwind Basin again.

That is, if another bug doesn't happen first: You reload the save and you think you're lucky not to be falling from the skies yet, but as soon as Hadvar instructs you to follow the captain, your character freezes and the first person walking animation plays, but you don;t move an inch, and the cutscene never progresses, leaving you stuck forever.

So far the only problem here that has somewhat of a solution is the save-teleport-to-bleakwind bug, where, upon loading the save, if you enter the console command right as the screen pulls up, you won;t get sent to fall to your death. Every other problem listed here is, thus far, unfixable.

I've accrued a massive list of mods throughout the past year of re-trying this game, and I don't know where to start looking

*Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
*Skyrim Project Optimization - Full ESL Version.esm
*Lightened Skyrim - merged.esp
*Ryn's Snazzy Last Vigil.esp
*Vibrant weapons.esl
*Environs Master Plugin.esp
*dD - Enhanced Blood Main LITE.esp
*Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp
*Weapons Armor Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp
*More Gold (x10).esp
More Gold (x2).esp
More Gold (x5).esp
*S3DTrees NextGenerationForests.esp
*The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns.esp
*Gems As They Should Be.esp
*Perk Points at Skill Levels 50-75-100.esp
*20 More Perk Points.esp
*Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp
*Folkvangr - Grass and Landscape Overhaul.esp
*The Great Town of Ivarstead.esp
*JK's The Bards College.esp
*The Great Town of Shor's Stone.esp
*Civil War Aftermath.esp
*The Great Village of Kynesgrove.esp
*Severin Manor.esp
*Embers XD.esp
*JK's Riften Outskirts.esp
*JK's Windhelm's Outskirts.esp
*This Is Jorrvaskr.esp
*JK's Sinderion's Field Laboratory.esp
*Populated Cities Towns Villages Legendary.esp
*Ryn's Saarthal.esp
*JK's New Gnisis Cornerclub.esp
*Environs - Kolskeggr.esp
*JKs Whiterun.esp
*JK's Radiant Raiment.esp
*Raven Rock.esp
*Companions - Don't be a Milk Drinker (Farkas only option).esp
*Real Wildlife Behaviour.esp
*Use Those Blankets.esp
*Mannequins Behave.esp
*Arch-Knight Judicator.esp
*Bandit Lines Expansion.esp
*Ryns Whiterun City Limits - Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods patch.esp
*Ryn's White River Watch.esp
*Riften Docks Overhaul.esp
*Destroy the Thieves Guild.esp
*JK's The Ragged Flagon.esp
*JK's Septimus Signus's Outpost.esp
*Bears of the North.esp
*EVE - Jarls Gilded Wristguards Restored.esp
*Realistic AI Detection 3 - Lite.esp
*Fresh Faces - USSEP.esp
*KS Hairdo's.esp
*Vigilant Voiced.esp
*Immersive Equipping Animations.esp
*Civil War Lines Expansion.esp
*Conditional Expressions.esp
*Housecarl guards armor replacer SPID.esp
*Lazy Weapon Pack 2.esp
*Forsworn and Thalmor Lines Expansion.esp
*Look Around.esp
*Bleakfalls EVG.esp
*Immersive Patrols II.esp
*Great City of Dawnstar - DK's Nord Ships Patch.esp
*Environs - Greenwood Shack.esp
*College Of Winterhold - Quest Expansion.esp
*Thirsk Expanded.esp
*Bleka falls tweaks.esp
*Weapon Speed Mult Fix.esp
*CBBE muscle solution weight slider.esp
*Elden Power Attack.esp
*At Your Own Pace - Main Quest.esp
*Golden Rings Of Craft.esp
*Ryns Whiterun City Limits - Skyrim 3D Trees Patch.esp
*[sunJeong] Ninirim Collection.esp
*Environs - Whiterun Watchtower.esp
*Ryns Whiterun City Limits - Elysium Estate Patch.esp
*Environs - Tundra Farmhouse.esp
*The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp
*Ryns Whiterun City Limits - CC Fishing patch.esp
*Environs - Hroggars House.esp
*Ryn's Kynesgrove Burial Mound.esp
*JKs Riften Outskirts - Riften Docks Overhaul patch.esp
*Bloodmoon Brodir Grove.esp
*Environs - Riften Warehouse.esp
*JKs Riften Outskirts - DK Nord Ships patch.esp
*_CSJM_Helgen Starting-Gear 1_0.esp
*Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp
*JaySuS Swords - NWTA Patch.esp
*Skyrim Weapons Expansion.esp
*Skyrim Weapons Expansion - NWTA Patch.esp
*WACCF Weapons - NWTA Patch.esp
*Bounties Are Worthwhile.esp
*Vampire Lines Expansion.esp
*Companions Radiant Quests Requirement.esp
*True Scholar.esp
*Missing Follower Dialogue Fix.esp
*Moss Rocks.esp
*GIST soul trap.esp
*Dragon Claws Auto-Unlock.esp
*Embers XD - Fire Magick Add-On.esp
*Poser Hotkeys.esp
*Poser Merged Module.esp
*Immersive Display Overhaul.esp
*Simplicity of Snow.esp
*Kanjs - Gangrvegr.esp
*Dragaards Medieval Weaponry - Flamberge.esp
*Honored Dead.esp
*First Person Camera Height Fix.esp
*Skyrim Remastered - Ice Caves Fix.esp
*Vivid WeathersSE.esp
*Generic Grass Limiter.esp
*Reaper Weapon Kit 2.0.esp
*Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp
*Apocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch.esp
*Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
*Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp
*The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns Falkreath ICAO Patch.esp
*Hunters Not Bandits.esp
*Misc Dialogue Edits.esp
*More Dialogue Options.esp
*More Dialogue Options - Immersive Citizens patch.esp
*Misc Dialogue Edits - Immersive Citizens patch.esp
*JKs Riften Outskirts - Khajiit Has Wares patch.esp
*Ryns Whiterun City Limits - ICAIO Patch.esp
*Landscape For Grass Mods -Immersive Citizens PATCH.esp
*Palaces Castles Enhanced.esp
*PCE - USSEP Patch.esp
*PCE - SPO Patch.esp
*PCE - Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul Patch.esp
*PCE - Guards Armor Replacer Patch.esp
*PCE - Embers XD [XD ESP] Patch.esp
*PCE - Sons of Skyrim Patch.esp
*PCE - No Custom Music patch.esp
*PCE - RDO Patch.esp
*PCE - Enhanced Solitude Docks Patch.esp
*PCE - More Craftable Equipment Patch.esp
*PCE - ICOW Patch.esp
*PCE - Vigilant Patch.esp
*PCE - Popualated Cities Patch.esp
*PCE - Enhanced Solitude Patch.esp
*PCE - WACCF Patch.esp
*Ryns Whiterun City Limits - Water for ENB (Shades of Skyrim).esp
*RealisticWaterTwo - Alt Volcanic Watercolor.esp
*RealisticWaterTwo - Resources.esm
*Enhanced Solitude SSE USSEP Patch.esp
*Enhanced Solitude SSE.esp
*ES Occlusion Patch.esp
*Enhanced Solitude Docks.esp
*ES ESD Patch.esp
*ESD SMIM SSE Merged All patch.esp
*Fortran's Shields.esp



Please. Any help or direction on what I ca do to fix this would be greatly appreciated. I don;t want to have to uproot everything and start all over again from scratch, if I can help it.

Edited by Jukingbox
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You are running version 1.5.97 of Skyrim (SE, pre-AE)? Check the properties of your Skyrim executable in ...Steamapps/common/Skyrim Special Edition to make sure that you haven't had a stealth update from Steam - just a guess. Or, if you downgraded using the 'best of both worlds' option, then go to those comments/forums and ask again. I know that Ultimate Dragons is not compatible with later versions, I used to use it, and have been searching for an exact replacement.


Go to the modding.wiki site ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ) to double-check that you have the 1.5.97 versions of your mods, and not versions that are only compatible with later versions. The last time I had something that messed up the intro Helgen sequence was when I had 4 or 5 mods that conflicted - I moved on from 1.5.97 over a year ago, and removed my notes on which mods they were.

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I've had similar problems in the past.


For shts n giggles, before you go all nukey about things, try this. No guarantees, but nuffin to loose, aye 'guvnor?

  1. open a save that you know will cause this. (presuming its not all of them, or even if so)
  2. immediately go to console mode
  3. issue command TCL and exit console mode
  4. Fast travel to a player home (hopefully you have one). If not, FT somewhere cozy
  5. get inside
  6. sleep 24 hours
  7. do it again a few times
  8. if you have crafting tools inside, do some crafting "homework". your skill tree will be happy for it.
  9. sleep again
  10. create a new save
  11. exit game
  12. clean save (fallrim)
  13. open skyrim
  14. open cleaned save
  15. ideally, after the rest is done, immediately do a quest that includes a nice long dungeon, and do not take the long way to get there (even if "bbbbut immersion!"). And even better if you exit the current map entirely to a different world map (ex: skyrim to Beyond Skyrim Bruma, or Solstheim, etc)

This has remedied it for me several times (although admittedly not "all". Some seem irretrievable)

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You read the title right. Every time I try to load a save, the game flips out, freezing for a moment before teleporting me to the skies above Bleakwind Basin (for some reason?), where I either just land there, get sent to a blank, vast ocean with floating islands somewhere in the distance, or fall to my death from 1000 feet onto some random barrel. No, this is not a non-sequitur joke post. Its is dead serious. I've seen this game crash and s*** the bed numerous times over the years, but never anything like this. I don't know much about modding, but I've tried what little I do know - I've tried uninstalling my ENB and all of its auxiliary mods as my computer isn't high end and was wondering if it was taxing my system too much. I tried cleaning everything in TES5Edit. Nothing. Absolutely nothing works.


But at least when it's on an existing save, more often than not, I can just fast-travel. That's not a luxury you have when you start a new game, where we see a whole new slew of problems. It either flips out and does what I described above right as soon as the carriage noise starts, or it seems stable until you get to the part where Alduin attacks. Right before Ralof can hail you, the game freezes, and upon trying to reload the save after quitting, you see one of Helgen's towers for a split second before you're whisked away to the skies above Bleakwind Basin again.


That is, if another bug doesn't happen first: You reload the save and you think you're lucky not to be falling from the skies yet, but as soon as Hadvar instructs you to follow the captain, your character freezes and the first person walking animation plays, but you don;t move an inch, and the cutscene never progresses, leaving you stuck forever.


So far the only problem here that has somewhat of a solution is the save-teleport-to-bleakwind bug, where, upon loading the save, if you enter the console command right as the screen pulls up, you won;t get sent to fall to your death. Every other problem listed here is, thus far, unfixable.


I've accrued a massive list of mods throughout the past year of re-trying this game, and I don't know where to start looking



*Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp

*Skyrim Project Optimization - Full ESL Version.esm





*Lightened Skyrim - merged.esp

*Ryn's Snazzy Last Vigil.esp





*Vibrant weapons.esl


*Environs Master Plugin.esp


*dD - Enhanced Blood Main LITE.esp


*Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp



*Weapons Armor Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp


*More Gold (x10).esp

More Gold (x2).esp

More Gold (x5).esp


*S3DTrees NextGenerationForests.esp

*The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns.esp

*Gems As They Should Be.esp

*Perk Points at Skill Levels 50-75-100.esp

*20 More Perk Points.esp


*Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp

*Folkvangr - Grass and Landscape Overhaul.esp


*The Great Town of Ivarstead.esp

*JK's The Bards College.esp

*The Great Town of Shor's Stone.esp

*Civil War Aftermath.esp


*The Great Village of Kynesgrove.esp


*Severin Manor.esp

*Embers XD.esp

*JK's Riften Outskirts.esp

*JK's Windhelm's Outskirts.esp

*This Is Jorrvaskr.esp

*JK's Sinderion's Field Laboratory.esp









*Populated Cities Towns Villages Legendary.esp

*Ryn's Saarthal.esp

*JK's New Gnisis Cornerclub.esp

*Environs - Kolskeggr.esp

*JKs Whiterun.esp



*JK's Radiant Raiment.esp

*Raven Rock.esp





*Companions - Don't be a Milk Drinker (Farkas only option).esp

*Real Wildlife Behaviour.esp

*Use Those Blankets.esp

*Mannequins Behave.esp



*Arch-Knight Judicator.esp

*Bandit Lines Expansion.esp


*Ryns Whiterun City Limits - Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods patch.esp

*Ryn's White River Watch.esp

*Riften Docks Overhaul.esp


*Destroy the Thieves Guild.esp


*JK's The Ragged Flagon.esp

*JK's Septimus Signus's Outpost.esp








*Bears of the North.esp

*EVE - Jarls Gilded Wristguards Restored.esp




*Realistic AI Detection 3 - Lite.esp


*Fresh Faces - USSEP.esp

*KS Hairdo's.esp




*Vigilant Voiced.esp


*Immersive Equipping Animations.esp



*Civil War Lines Expansion.esp


*Conditional Expressions.esp








*Housecarl guards armor replacer SPID.esp







*Lazy Weapon Pack 2.esp






*Forsworn and Thalmor Lines Expansion.esp



*Look Around.esp





*Bleakfalls EVG.esp

*Immersive Patrols II.esp


*Great City of Dawnstar - DK's Nord Ships Patch.esp

*Environs - Greenwood Shack.esp

*College Of Winterhold - Quest Expansion.esp

*Thirsk Expanded.esp


*Bleka falls tweaks.esp






*Weapon Speed Mult Fix.esp


*CBBE muscle solution weight slider.esp


*Elden Power Attack.esp



*At Your Own Pace - Main Quest.esp

*Golden Rings Of Craft.esp

*Ryns Whiterun City Limits - Skyrim 3D Trees Patch.esp

*[sunJeong] Ninirim Collection.esp

*Environs - Whiterun Watchtower.esp

*Ryns Whiterun City Limits - Elysium Estate Patch.esp

*Environs - Tundra Farmhouse.esp

*The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp

*Ryns Whiterun City Limits - CC Fishing patch.esp


*Environs - Hroggars House.esp

*Ryn's Kynesgrove Burial Mound.esp

*JKs Riften Outskirts - Riften Docks Overhaul patch.esp




*Bloodmoon Brodir Grove.esp

*Environs - Riften Warehouse.esp

*JKs Riften Outskirts - DK Nord Ships patch.esp


*_CSJM_Helgen Starting-Gear 1_0.esp

*Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp



*JaySuS Swords - NWTA Patch.esp

*Skyrim Weapons Expansion.esp

*Skyrim Weapons Expansion - NWTA Patch.esp

*WACCF Weapons - NWTA Patch.esp


*Bounties Are Worthwhile.esp



*Vampire Lines Expansion.esp

*Companions Radiant Quests Requirement.esp


*True Scholar.esp


*Missing Follower Dialogue Fix.esp


*Moss Rocks.esp

*GIST soul trap.esp






*Dragon Claws Auto-Unlock.esp


*Embers XD - Fire Magick Add-On.esp

*Poser Hotkeys.esp

*Poser Merged Module.esp

*Immersive Display Overhaul.esp

*Simplicity of Snow.esp


*Kanjs - Gangrvegr.esp


*Dragaards Medieval Weaponry - Flamberge.esp

*Honored Dead.esp


*First Person Camera Height Fix.esp

*Skyrim Remastered - Ice Caves Fix.esp

*Vivid WeathersSE.esp

*Generic Grass Limiter.esp



*Reaper Weapon Kit 2.0.esp

*Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp

*Apocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch.esp


*Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp


*Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp


*The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns Falkreath ICAO Patch.esp


*Hunters Not Bandits.esp

*Misc Dialogue Edits.esp

*More Dialogue Options.esp

*More Dialogue Options - Immersive Citizens patch.esp

*Misc Dialogue Edits - Immersive Citizens patch.esp

*JKs Riften Outskirts - Khajiit Has Wares patch.esp

*Ryns Whiterun City Limits - ICAIO Patch.esp

*Landscape For Grass Mods -Immersive Citizens PATCH.esp



*Palaces Castles Enhanced.esp

*PCE - USSEP Patch.esp

*PCE - SPO Patch.esp

*PCE - Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul Patch.esp

*PCE - Guards Armor Replacer Patch.esp

*PCE - Embers XD [XD ESP] Patch.esp

*PCE - Sons of Skyrim Patch.esp

*PCE - No Custom Music patch.esp

*PCE - RDO Patch.esp

*PCE - Enhanced Solitude Docks Patch.esp

*PCE - More Craftable Equipment Patch.esp

*PCE - ICOW Patch.esp

*PCE - Vigilant Patch.esp

*PCE - Popualated Cities Patch.esp

*PCE - Enhanced Solitude Patch.esp

*PCE - WACCF Patch.esp

*Ryns Whiterun City Limits - Water for ENB (Shades of Skyrim).esp

*RealisticWaterTwo - Alt Volcanic Watercolor.esp

*RealisticWaterTwo - Resources.esm


*Enhanced Solitude SSE USSEP Patch.esp

*Enhanced Solitude SSE.esp


*ES Occlusion Patch.esp

*Enhanced Solitude Docks.esp

*ES ESD Patch.esp

*ESD SMIM SSE Merged All patch.esp


*Fortran's Shields.esp



Please. Any help or direction on what I ca do to fix this would be greatly appreciated. I don;t want to have to uproot everything and start all over again from scratch, if I can help it.

I downgraded to 1.5.97 a while ago, yeah, and I've got my skyrimprefs set to readonly so Todd can't pull a fast one on me. Checked the wiki, and so far, nothing I've got is in the red.

In the meantime, I've found a band-aid solution, at least for the new game issue. Paradigm - A Quick Start Overhaul gets me past Helgen's horrible tangle of spaghetti scripts well enough, but I haven't tested my existing saves, so we'll see if this persists and go from that point.


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