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My game started crashing again and the last time it crashed when I tried to launch it I got a black screen, I could not load my game.


In desperation I went through the log and noticed that a couple of times it looked for FISS but could not find it. I did not have FISS installed as the last I heard the .dll had not been updated for v1.6.659. I went online to see if there had been a way to install FISS for 1.6.659 and found that there had been. You just had to download and install the 1.6.640 version then go to github and download the updated .dll overwrite the 1.6.640 .dll with the one from github.


After I did this my game launched normally. Whether this solved my problem it is too early to tell as I could only play for about ten minutes before I had to shut down due to thunder storms in my area.


Hopefully the problem was I had installed a mod which required FISS and that was my problem. However neither LOOT nor xEdit showed any mod missing FISS and they are usually pretty good about catching missing mod dependencies.


I will get back after playing for some time and report whether this fixed my crashing.

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