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Kajanaisdog - BANNED

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Kajanaisdog banned

PM harassment of an established author:


f**k your mother,gou er zi kuai dian ju bao lao zi,zhe yang cai shi wo de guai gou er zi.

According to Google Translate, the Chinese part translates roughly to "Hurry up and report me, son of a dog, this is my good son of a dog." I interpret "son of a dog" to really mean "son of a b***h", but the case is bad with or without that.

Spam Trolling:

Posted verbatim a total of 18 times across various mod pages over the last month:


Ha luan gou Shurbob

According to Google Translate, this translates roughly to "ha chaotic dog S suddenly Bob" which I interpret to be some sort of derogatory phrase taking after the English expletive beginning with the letter B

Posted verbatim (substituting <AUTHOR'S NAME> for the author's name) a total of 22 times across various mod pages over the last month:


Ha luan gou mod.Ha luan gou <AUTHOR'S NAME>

According to Google Translate, this translates roughly to "ha messed up. ha messed up <AUTHOR'S NAME>" which is likely much more vulgar in cultural contexts

Even without the help of Google Translate, this case rests on the boundary of very harsh formal with a forum ban and outright ban. Google Translate seals the deal (it didn't take too much).

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Moderation history
This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned

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