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Character Restoration


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Features of this mod:

- MCM support

- Ability to set level, skills, and gold of character

- Ability to complete / set the quest you were previously on - as well as give unique rewards / map markers to corresponding quest ( Examples ):


Dark Brotherhood: Finished, grants blade of woe, map markers, shadowmare, etc.

Main Quest: Horn Of the Windcaller ( w/e his name was ) grants map markers, shouts learned from greybeards, etc.

( Quest restoration only for the major quest, maybe daedric )


- Gives gear based on level, no enchantments

- Gives mages random spells ( based ) on their skill level



Pretty much a character restoration mod if the character ends up getting a corrupt save, etc. I'd do this my self but I don't know anything about the creation kit for skyrim, I'll try to learn if anyone else doesn't want to take this up.




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