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[SSE] Mod request for Compatibility patch for Summerset Isle and Choose Your Own Arch Mage


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It kind of breaks immersion to be recognized as the arch mage for summerset isle when you're not the arch mage....so i would like to request a compatibility patch between the two. I got sick of being the leader of every guild so I downloaded alternate endings for the thieves guild, assassins guild, and mages college. However it doesn't work that well with summerset isle. I'm not even sure if summerset isle will trigger now that I'm not the arch mage....haven't played through it since ive downloaded the choose your own arch mage mod. Let me know if anyone is interested in doing a patch....


also on a side note. If someone could come up with a more detailed walkthrough for summerset isle or reach out to the mod author to see if they would be willing to expand on their walkthrough...sometimes im walking through there blind or a quest that's supposed to trigger doesn't trigger and there isn't a written solution addressing it in a walkthrough or whatnot. I realize the original author designed it to be super immersive but it can be a bit complicated to navigate at times as I will just find myself just wandering through summerset isle with nothing to do.

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