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cubeVII - Formal warning issued

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cubeVII has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


Trolling w/ homophobia/transphobia




Verstehe irgendwie nicht warum man so etwas Übersetzen muss, die ganzen woken Leute labern doch eh das übelste Krebs-Denglish. Mal davon abgesehen ein ganzer Monat für die sexuellen Vorlieben einer degenrierten Minderheit? Gott niemand hat was gegen euch, lasst uns einfach in Ruhe mit euren Scheiss, ich binde doch auch niemanden auf die Nase das ich hetro bin.


Rough translation from German by Google Translate:

Somehow I don't understand why you have to translate something like that, all the woken people are babbling the worst cancer Denglish anyway. Aside from that, a whole month devoted to the sexual preferences of a degenerate minority? God no one has anything against you, just leave us alone with your s#*!, I'm not telling anyone that I'm hetro.






This warning was issued for what took place here




Restrictions in place

As part of the warning, cubeVII has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 30 days

This user cannot send private messages for 30 days




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