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OBSE In-game Glitch


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I recently acquired the Oblivion script extender, installed all the .dll's and the launcher to my Oblivion folder, reconfigured my desktop shortcut to target obse_loader.exe, etc. All my mods seem to work just fine (with the exception of one), however, I am experiencing this highly annoying game glitch whenever I use obse_loader. Whenever I scroll to the top or to the left of my screen I get a second white cursor appear. Whenever this cursor is present clicking has no in game effect and sometimes double clicking will even minimize Oblivion altogether, sometimes causing it to crash upon trying to re-open it. There is also this thin blue box around the entire screen. It's as if the game is not running entirely in full window or something. This problem is on the verge of making the game unplayable in many instances as well as just being highly annoying. Any ideas what the problem could be?
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It sounds like you are playing in windowed mode instead of full screen. Check your background processes to see if there is one - like a IM program that autostarts but stays in the background until a message comes in.


Here is an article by Woogiemonster that may relate to your problem. It is a year old and some of the pics are missing now, but explains multiple cursors very well. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showto...3&hl=woogie


Other background programs can cause similar problems.

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