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How does ReadStringFromFile work?


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Hello everyone,
I'm facing an issue with the ReturnStringFromFile function in my code. Whenever I call the function, it consistently returns a null value (""). I have confirmed that the file actually exists by using the FileExists function, which returns true.
I'm a bit uncertain about the correct format for the contents of the .txt file that I'm trying to convert into a string. Should the file content be preceded by a $ symbol, or should it be enclosed in quotation marks? I've tried both approaches, including not using either.
I would appreciate any guidance or suggestions to resolve this problem. Thank you in advance for your assistance!

- StealthDick
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You probably have mixed up with two different filepaths. FileExists is relative the Data folder, while ReadStringFromFile is the Game's installation path.

string_var svString = ReadStringFromFile "data\config\The File You Want to Read Strings From.txt" 1 1

The format for the contents of the source file ("The File You Want to Read Strings From.txt") is just a plain text. It goes like this;

Coffee mug
My toaster is the shiniest one in Mojave.
Brahmin milk

And since the sample code only reads the first line from the source file;

svString == "Coffee mug"

Hope this helps.

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Yup, that’s precisely what happened. I just assumed they would follow the same file path logic for some reason. It works like a charm now, I’m very happy with my results. Thank you for the reply, I should have elaborate more in my previous resolution.
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