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Problem with quests journal


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Hi, I have a problem with the quest log.After hundreds of hours of playing, I noticed that many quests simply disappeared.They appeared when I made some part of them.However, for many tasks that I
remember, there are even more that I do not remember.I read that it is related to the quest limit, that when new quests appear, older ones disappear from the log.I even used this mod ->
However, that didn't work. When I click "start" just nothing happens. A window pops up that it's starting to work, but the progress is still with "0/5073 (0%)" and dont changed, no matter time.
What can I do?

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I've read that there's a cutoff for the number of entries Skyrim can handle (dunno if true or not but have read it several times)


Vaguely recollected, it's something like 128 entries


Also not sure if that's combined active & completed, or active, or completed, or both.


I suppose "Dad" advise is easy enough. Keep up with your quests! (I got nuffin else)

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