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Working with textures


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Hi everyone,

I'm quite new to this...

me and a friend are currently trying to change the textures of a suit to make it look like a British Paratrooper WW2 Denison smock. I have added some pictures below, so you can see how it looks like so far.

The thing is, that we got a problem... the whole thing still looks too much like a suit, there is that little pocket on the chest, then that scarf-like thing around his neck and the white shirt looking out too much. We cant change this in the DDS texture files. Can anyone help me on how to deal with this? Which programs should I use and which files do I need to edit? Are there maybe any good tutorials out there on how to do this?


Any help is very appreciated!

Thanks in advance


Nils (tanker2nd)





Edited by tanker2nd
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I must admit I'm confused with how you guys retextured the texture file. But if I had to guess sis you guys do like a pattern fill function in Gimp or Photoshop? Because if so I remember I did also try to do retextures like that but it doesn't work out because the pattern fill function only works optimally on blank surfaces. Because the function works like a recolor layer on top of the surface and doing it on this surface will make it attempt to recolor the texture with pattern treatin the pattern as a color. I hope that made sense


But if that's not what you guys are doing then please explain hiw you guys are rexturing. It seems like you guys aren't overlaying the old texture with your new patterns then flattening the image.

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Hi, we are changing it in Paint, so we are just taking the DSS texture file, convert it into a BMP file and edit it in paint. But whatever we edit in that file, things like the shirt, tie etc will still stick out and we are searching for a way to change that. So we basically need to change the pattern of the suit.

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