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[SSE] Mod Request: Playerhome basements; portal to "The Belly Of The Beast"


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An player home that constantly is dynamically changing, and has no exits upon entering. A doorway to enter these "Belly of beasts" exist as usable items keyed off of dragon corpses, an orb that is the fractured remnants of the dragons soul seeking revenge that you didn't absorb: This item being used sends you to a fleshy gullet maze, this maze is disorientating, and are meant to be infinite, labyrinthine, dragon stomachs. They have literally ALL amenities (minus creation club amenities), however the place is ever changing, and sometimes very hostile, you can potentially, at any time, get trapped by walls surrounding you, and acids rising in the contained area that melt all things in your inventory, even key items. You'll be spending the rest of your life, so living with the abuse of the spirit of a dragon that feels it was unjustly wronged, is something you'll have to get used to, deep inside this labrynth is the hardest to reach area: The orb itself... Interacting with this giant glowing red crystaline orb with a dragon talon flexing inside it, calms down the dragon, and finally will allow you to exit and enter any time, with walls breaking down into containers, and making it feel more like home, with hazards being removed and moved to a hazard room. Despite it being an interior, it has heavy heavy rainstorms because of what it truly is.


A mythical place inspired by the tree of madness, an DLC sized labrynth that is ever changing and disorientating with a prize at the end, this one being more brutal as at any time you could end up getting trapped and straight up dissolved. And more hazards such as dragon breath launchers. You'll find no greater enemy than the environmental hazard: acid, dipping a toe does quite the damage and strips your inventory and key items, and to get them back you must calm the beast who felt wronged. Do you dare brave such an hostile enviroment to calm the soul within, to get all amenities and an huge amount of renamable storage?


What am I saying, all foolish adventurers would attempt this at least once despite the risk...

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