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CBA breast physics


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I'm trying to add some breast bounce to an outfit that already has physics on the lower portion (a skirt) but the breasts are static. I have the body conformed to the Unibody shape because it looks better, being armor. When I try to copy the breast sliders over from the 3BA reference body the weights show up painted in outfit studio like I would expect but when you build it and enter the game, well, it's bad. The chest textures are just stretched off into infinity (and not even that is jiggling). I tried painting them up myself manually but I can't do that to the same quality, also it didn't fix the problem.

Aside from failing to add the boob physics the outfit otherwise functions perfectly with the 3BA body. Shape's good, no clipping, skirt physics work fine. I'd appreciate any advice on this. Using 3BA CBBE (3BBB) , CBPC, SMP-NPC Crash Fix, and XP32 skeleton with Faster HDT-SMP.


Edit - I solved the problem by rebuilding the HDT file for the outfit's cloth physics, bringing it up to date.

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