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This is going to be huge ! Keep your mind open


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As title says....Huuuge

New Galaxy's, planets, ships, creatures, races, cities & endless possibilities.

This will be the new Skyrim & Fallout 4 but bigger

I'm a tad excited to see what comes, my kids got me into modding and it's been a blast for the last 2 years

I am a bit over Skyrim and FO4 this will fill the hole quite nicely

Bring it on !


Mods I would love to see: Xenomorphs , Prometheous ship, Deadspace creatures, Blackhole Gateways, Horror themes ( Event horizon style ), Forest planets...So much Moarrrr


Lets hear your ideas


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  • Community Manager

I'm loving your ideas for additional content.


I agree, the possibilities for custom suits, ships, races, cities looks incredible.


I'd love to see a "3 Body Problem" style of planetary system, moving from extremes of cold to burning heat depending on proximity to multi-stellar bodies. The physics gets kinda tough though.

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