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How to creat precombines and previs when using multiple mods affecting same cell.

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Question: How to create precombines and previs for cells touched by multiple mods.

I was hoping to gain some information on how to achieve precombines for multiple mods affecting the same cells.

Goal: Iam trying to disabling the destroyed airplanes near Boston airport in FO4.
Bonus goal: Disabling the farmhouse near Boston airport aswell.

1. Ad Victoriam. A Brotherhood of Steel Overhaul Apocalyptic Edition
2. Ad Victoriam ESP Update. MM Edition

3. Boston Airport Settlement Repaired

4. Boston Airport Redux - Better Brotherhood of Steel HQ

5. Ultra Expanded Boston Airport Settlement.

Tutorials: Fallout 4 Creation Kit Precombines and Previs tutorials.

Now, i load up MO2 and from there CK.

1.I first open fallout4.esm and save to create my own plugin called "Test"
2. Then open the plugin "test.esp + all the mods. Set Test.esp as active.
3. In Cell view under "commonwealth" editing> initially disabling+ hidden from local map everything individually per cell(BostonairportExt, BostonairportExt 1 etc, BostonairportExt 16)
4. Then under tab "World" for every touched cell (see #3) "Precombine Geometry for Current Cell"
5. Then under tab "Visibility" for every touched cell (see # 3) "Generate Visibility for Current Cell"
6. Then create archive.

I see plugin under "plugin" tab in M02.
Enable plugin.

What am i missing here? Should i open all the mods all at once? or should i open the mods and create a plugin seperate for every individual mod?

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Look forward to any comments regarding the topic.

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