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Mod Request: "All That Glitters" - 5mm low recoil transformer revolver


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"All that glitters" is an 5mm minimal recoil bull barelled revolver that shines in all chrome, and is based on Maximiliam Von Kleins revolver from Evil Genius 2.


"All That Glitters" turns ANY enemy or NPC or object via an literally golden laser, into 50 Gold Bars which fall to the ground. Even NPC's and objects marked as essential or invincible, can be taken out this way. Door in your way? Turn it into all that glitters. Enemy from a horror mod actively chasing you and can take you out in 1 shot even though you have instakill enabled? Make that threat into sellable gold that glitters. Pissed off an essential flagged merchant? Make them know all that glitters IS gold bars!


Uses 5mm ammunition instead of EC cells, to create a low recoil golden laser, based on the upgraded version of Von Klein's Revolver, which feeds in normal bullets, only to spew out a golden laser lategame.

Edited by ZxAsriel
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