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Dawnguard: Vampire Lord Faction / Playing Vampire conditional


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Hi guys, attempting to create my first mod with Skyrim: Dawnguard. When making the SM Even Node conditional, I want to check to see if the player belongs to the Vampire Lord faction, if they do, and if the other conditions have been met, then load the quest.


I can't for the life of me figure out what the VL faction is? I presume it would be:


Condition Function: GetInFaction

Faction: 'DLC1PlayerVampireLordFaction' == 1

Run on: Player


Is this correct? Or is there something else I should be using? For testing purposes, I'm just checking to see if Harkon is dead and it works.


PS: For future reference, what would the Hunter/Dawnguard faction be? w/o going into details, I'll need that faction as well.

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I just missed you in chat....


What you're looking for is http://www.creationkit.com/IsCompleted_-_Quest


Basically, what you can do is:

if(GetQuest(<Quest ID for identifying quest>).IsCompleted())

Do what you want if quest is completed



Replace the <Quest ID ...> with the ID for either Prophet(Dawnguard) or Prophet(Vampire) to detemine if they chose one side or the other. If you need to see if they also completed Dawnguard, you can also check if Kindred Judgment is finished.





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