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Dragon Paths need help!


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:wallbash: This WAS supposed to be a suprise in my mod but I can't get it to work, so here's the deal:


I have circular room. In the center is an activator and a trigger zone.

When the player walks into the trigger zone, the script counts down from 6 and the activator casts a spell on the Player at 1. Simple enough and that works just fine.


The spell is a jump spell, and this is where the problems start.


I've tried making the spell just Fortify Agility X amount for X seconds. Doing that, you die when you land unless you land on something just shy of the jump's max height. To add to that, if the amount fortified is more than 100, if you try to move durring the jump the screen freaks out, shaking horribly, and glitches you in the direction you're trying to move, usually killing you.


So, I added a script effect to get rid of the fall damage. That was easy, just a repeating resetfalldamagetimer command that resets it ever tenth of a second. That works perfectly, as long as you only jump straight up. Any forward/backward/sideways movement and the screen shakes violently again, THIS time, it'll glitch one of two ways: Either same as before, and drop you instantly in the direction you jumped, OR it'll suspend you in the air at the max height untill the durration runs out, then drop you to your death.


I've tried many things to fix this unsuccessfully. Thought it might have been that the spell is cast ON you, so made the player cast the spell. No change. Tried using Supreme Magicka's Jump spells, completely unedited, just cast on the player by the activator. No change. Ect. ect..


So, to those who know more than me, here's the Script I'm using atm. Let me know if anyone can get this to work..


Trigger Zone Script:


scn DPHNexusJumpTriggerSCRIPT

Short init
float timer
long range

begin onTrigger Player

if init == 0 && timer <= 0
	set init to 1
	set timer to 6
	set range to getdistance player


begin Gamemode

if init == 1 && timer <= 1 && range <= 700
	player.cast DPHNJumpSpell player
	set init to 0

set timer to timer - getsecondspassed


DPHNJumpSpell consists of FortifyAcrobatics on Target, Area 1, Duration 20, Magnitude 750, and the following scriptEffect spell on Target, Area 1, Duration 20.


scn DPJumpSafe

ref target
float Timer

Begin ScriptEffectStart

set target to getactionref
set timer to 2


begin gamemode

If timer <= 1.9
	set timer to 2

set timer to timer - getsecondspassed

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