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NAC X Rainy weather bugs


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I can't seem to find an answer or solution for this problem so I am posting here hoping someone more knowledgeable with modding can assist or guide me in the right direction.


I am having an issue with NAC X rainy weathers (specifically heavy rain and thunderstorms) and causing certain features of other mods to not work correctly. The 2 mods that have issues I know of so far are VAFS Redux and Immersive Animation Framework.

- With VAFS the slow time will activate sporadically while the weather is a heavy rain type.

- With Immersive Animation Framework the animations will not play at all in 1st or 3rd person while it is raining.


I have tried changing load order numerous times, disabling most FX settings in NACX, browsing xEdit for conflicts, and even downloading different NACX patches to no avail :sad:


Any tips or info would be greatly appreciated!

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