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AoE Wards/Ward bubbles


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Heya peeps!


Just thought I'd make a suggestion (I went looking and couldn't find it so I thought I'd make a post) about Wards.

The title says it all really, Just like AoE Ward/bubble that protects you from damage. (Think Gandalf vs The Darkness in The Hobbit: DoS) I mean they're kinda in the game already but not avaible to the character and may need to be changed slightly (Think the ward that's around the Eye of Magnus when you first find it). Just thought it would be a cool edition to Restoration having an AoE bubble that can protect you from all directions instead of the one your facing.


I have no idea about modding or the implications behind it. It's just something I'd quite enjoy seeing :)


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  • 3 months later...

I think that would be awesome too. Maybe something so you can protect allies etc with, perhaps make it solid so you can't pass through?

Edited by piperman123
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  • 2 weeks later...

Found something close, maybe someone could use this as a base and make the requested mod from it? Either way, I have a week booked of work soon so I'm going to play around with CK and see if I can make something like it. If I can, I'll put it on nexus and throw a link on here for you lot, I've never modded before so don't hold your breath though.

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