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Enchanting for the magically impaired


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So, unless im mistaken you can enchant an item up to three times via soul stones. I would like to beable to use sigil stones as well, ive tried some hunting around but either im wording it wrong, useing too vague a term ( enchant ) or this particular one does not yet exist.


edit: I should also add the particular toon im working is a nordic "Tin Man" whos magical aptitude is limited to a basic fireball and heal, lol.

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well, if you dont min dcheating you can use the testinghall

just hit ` then type "coc testinghall" without quote of course


its in a room, BUT before using it, do (in the console) "player.createfullactorcopy" then when they appear go into the console and click on them then type "kill" you can get copies of whatever you have. There is also a sigil stone fuser mod

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