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Starfield's Skill System in Skyrim?


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I am very intrigued in Starfield's leveling system, I want to get a preview of how it would feel, so I wanted to know if there's anyone attempting to rework Skyrim to match. If a mod with a similar system already exists, I hope someone can point me towards it. If you didn't watch the direct here's how it works as far as we know:


When you level up you gain a skill point. If you don't have the skill unlocked, the point unlocks it. If it's already unlocked, you can increase the skill's rank.

Every skill has 4 ranks, each rank is an improvement on the base skill, with the final rank always having a neat little gimmick.
Unlocked skills can up rank through challenges instead of skill points. These challenges are not really challenging, it's often just something that forces you to use the skill a bunch of times.


They call the skill categories "skill trees" but I see no hint of any skill being a prerequisite for anything other than ranks of itself. So I guess think of every skill like a skill tree with no branches. It's possible the 4 "layers" on the skill tree have some significance, but there's nothing in the UI showing how the skills might be connected or gated. This is the biggest gap in my knowledge, but perhaps someone else knows more.


Basically translating that to Skyrim means squashing out the depths of the skill trees, and splitting each tree into a few Starfield-like "skills". For example here's how I might approach adapting Skyrim's "lockpicking" skill tree:


Lockpicking: Challenge is unlocking doors (Rank 1) = Apprentice locks are easier to pick. (Rank 2) = Adept locks are easier to pick. (Rank 3) = Expert locks are easier to pick. (Rank 4) = Master locks are easier to pick and pick starts close to the lock opening position.


Treasure Hunting: Challenge is unlocking chests (Rank 1) = Able to pick locks without being noticed. (Rank 2) = Find more gold in chests. (Rank 3) = 50% greater chance of finding special treasure. (Rank 4) Find even more gold in chests and lockpicks never break.


I suppose it's still a bit early to expect a mod like this, it would take work to override the progression system and implement skill UI, and even longer to make it balanced. But maybe someone out there is already started and if so I'd love to join early and see how it's coming along. I am a game designer, and in my own game I am debating on how to tackle skills and leveling. The system Starfield proposes sounds very intuitive and elegant, but I also worry that it is streamlining too much and removing long-term choice. It is somewhat similar to a tree-less skill system I've been brainstorming for a while now, and if I could get a taste of how this system feels early I think it will help a lot in my decision making.



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