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Help out Durnehviir


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When I first heard of Dawnguard I was impressed by the possibility of calling out an ancient undead and badass dragon that could frost breath bandits to death, drain enemies' vitalities and summon a team of undead from another plane.


What I major upset it is to use Durnehviir: he doesn't damage enemies enough, most of the time keeps flying around instead of fighting and locks my other shouts for a whole 5 min.

My greatest upset is that I used to dream of him helping me fighting dragons...LOL !

Even his minions from Soul Cairn so more damage than him because he flies a lot and prefers to target Drain Vitality(a weak shout that barely scratch their stats) instead of attacking (the dragons usually dodge since they can fly too). It gets worse because I use Deadly Dragons


The mods present in Nexus are not enough to improve Durneviihr: I use Strong Odahviing and Durnehviir-but even so I feel he's too unworthy of a 5 min cooldown shout.


If some modders could :

-increase his max level

-increase his frost breath damage

- improve his combat behavior

-increase his damage vs dragons (by giving him the hidden effect of the dragonborn- more damage vs dragons)

-improve his drain vitality to "% damage" value instead of a constant value of 10/s


I believe the same goes for Odahving however I haven't got his shout.


Thank you!

Feel free to add, criticize and discuss my ideas.


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