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NIF works Perfect in Nifskope but not in game


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I really need some help here. I have been working on this issue for almost 2 weeks. I finally got the NIF file to play PERFECTLY in NIFskope. Problem is that IN GAME...........

it will not animate,... at all.

The lid of the casket is not even visible, nor is it's collision.

It is an activator, and set as persistant ref,

I have tired activating it thru a trigger script with activate parent ref, and also using REFID.activate to no avail. These actions work fine with other meshes, so I'm not doing it wrong. It's something with the mesh.

It uses an object script, which is working (messagebox test), uses the playgroup right 0. But does not work.

Here is a link to the file if someone good with animated NIFs could take a look.


The goal is to have the casket raise up and then open, so that I can then drop in a skeleton to battle the unlucky adventurer, as if it just awakened from death.


NEVERMIND..I think I fixed It....


EDIT: After another night at it, I made a bit of progress.. Here is the new file for you to examine and USE (with credit assuming you get it fixed). I can get it to work in game now, but the coordinates for some meshes are off. What I mean is, that when one finds the coffin, the lid is not there, the coffin raises,....But at the appropriate time (13 secs) the lid slides in from out of sight to it's left, and then completes it's animation. I cant't even find the lid in the CS...Looked all over. Also one collision box appears much higher than it appears in Nifskope. Only issue after that, is the whole arrangement seems to animate just a bit backwards. The animation SHOULD end at 15 secs.




It looks like I might be able to fix it with God's help but I would still like to hear from anyone with skill in this area, particularly as to why certain parts are not where they are in NIFSKOPE..

Thanks to everyone, and Happy New Year...Be safe.

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