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I found a silver retexture for ebony armor made by TrueChaoS http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/638/, which is very good mod, but i'd like to have it without replacing the original texture of armor AND weapons, so anyone can have both the ebony armor and it's "good twin" the silver ebony armor. I don't know how to use the creation kit and gimp, I have searched a lot of tutorials how to, but none of them was helpful to me (it's simply too hard and I is dumb :tongue:).


Some ideas about the non-replaced set:

Craft - The same materials of ebony set in addiction 1 silver ingot.

Price - 5% more expansive (each piece).

Weight - 10% heavier (each piece) or same weight.

Armor rating - 10% better than ebony armor (each piece).

Weapons - Same itens in addiction 1 silver ingot / 5% more damage / 10% more expansive.


or just make them with different names & textures so we can distinguish when crafting :smile:

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I would imagine you would just copy the stats, crafting, and item files of the original ebony armor, and modify them as needed to make them suit the Silver Ebony Armor.



*Crafting Recipe: Duplicate>Rename

*Stats: Duplicate>Rename

*Item: Duplicate>Rename


(There will likely be multiple files you will have to duplicate and rename, but you'll want to make sure you get the one that allows you to pick the model and texture. The model can stay the same, but you'll want to change the texture)

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