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If you set the AI of one of them to follow and the the attack to 100 on the other, the hostile one will try to attack you you and the one set to follow will try to defend you... but the the attacker will always try to break free and go after you, and if the defender wins it will continue to follow. So this is better to set with dialogue results or a script, ie- if ondeath set aiwander, you'll have to copy the creatures to a new ID or it'll change all of them.


Or there's a way to script them to fight each other, the official plugin helm of tohan i beleive it is called has a script that does that, but i haven't looked at it.


That is if you want them to fight.. but i don't know what a quarra and an aundae are, i assume they are vampires.

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can i please have someone rite it here and i can copy it cuz ive bin tryin for ages it its not working the person the quarra shoukd attack is Callum the quarra`s name is vampeneze1
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To make them fight from an external script or console command use:

"ActorID1"-> startcombat, "actorID2"


replaceing the "ActorID"'s with the ID's you are using


but as Abramul said , if u attach the script to "actorID1" then all you need is

startcombat, "actorID2"


I noticed the Vampires have a script allready, that add spells , count vampire kills, and determine if you are a vampire or not and attack you if you aren't, so On your new vampires just add those spells or your own manually and you don't need the script.


And I'd probably use

If ( GetDistance player <= 256 ) {or whatever number works best}

or something so they won't sart fighting untill you are close enough to see it.


I'm a caveman when it comes to scripting but it goes something like this? ???

(replace the stuff in quotes)


Begin "scriptname"

short done


if ( done == 0 )

If ( getdistance player <= 256 )

startcombat, "VampireID2"

set done to 1




end "scriptname"



That's if you want them to fight automatically, you can also use dialoge results to make em start fighting, depends on what you want.


I hope it helps.

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