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Held Mage Book


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Alright. So i figured I'd give this mod another go.


So what i want to do is set it up so if you have the Mage book for destruction equipped that it increase the damage of all those type of spells. But you must be using a destruction spell.


It would also be setup for the other magic schools.


But as i was looking through all the condition flags... I noticed i cant do that with the CK which means scripting.

Now i havnt done any scripting in Skyrim.


Was hoping someone could help me out maybe walk me through setting up the script and how to apply it to the item.


I would like to keep it as low on the script as possible. So if we can get 1 script checking all the items and applying the correct effect that would be awesome.

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  • 2 weeks later...


But you must be using a destruction spell.

I'm assuming you mean you can only have destruction spells equipped, no other types of spells. Or do you simply mean no other types of spells get a boost?


I would make a magic effect / enchantment for destruction. Make your destruction book (I'm assuming you've set this up as an equipable item) and make it have said enchantment. Then add an active magic effect script that waits for a spell to be equipped and checks the type of spell. If it's not destruction it will unequip the spell and make a pop up that says (you will need to make a message form) "Can't equip that type of spell with a destruction book."


I'll give you a very detailed explanation of exactly what to do once you answer my first question :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry its been awhile. Having real life issues. But yes. You hold it in the shield slot.


I want to have one for each class of magic. Since this is all new to me i have no idea how to go about the magic effect and the scripting.


Thanks for taking the time to reply.

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