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Unexpected Behavior


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I have a script A on an objectreference in an exterior cell. And a workshop in an interior cell.

Script A has an objectreference property auto const, which is filled in CK to point to said workshop.

The workshop has MustPersist keyword and it is listed in the cell's Persistent section in xEdit / record has Persistent flag.


So the workshop is persistent for multiple reasons (has persistent flag, has mustpersist keyword, is in a script property).

Accordingly, I can prid the workshop in console from the exterior, and the dppi command confirms the workshop is persistent.


Yet, when I am not inside the interior and try to access the objectreference property on Script A... it doesn't point to the workshop, but is none instead.


How is such a thing even possible?


Huge WTF moment.

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I dont KNOW but remeber similar issues trying to configure split interior workshop with exterior refs (probably the map marker/fast travel mat lookup) and THINK my solution was to make the interior and exterior cells share the same location record.


Totally non standard kludge, but may be worth checking out.

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