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Looking for a series of mods or a collection


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I have been trying to find a series of mods, or a collection that makes the game actually fun, because I've been playing with mods since Special Edition Launch. But, every collection seems to be heavily sexualized. The Top collection for endorsements, etc. on Special Edition is literally too much for me. If I want a sex game, I will go play a sex game. But if someone could point me in the direction of a collection that has some decent presets, and literally isn't using a collection of clothing/armor that looks more like stylized breasts too big for every armor set, I'd be extremely happy. Because I like things 'cute' but not 'slutty' if you understand my meaning.


Like I've found some amazing character presets, but then when I install all the files it's just a pretty face on a body I don't even like, and literally having to find armor mods that look ugly just to play the character. I love glowing characters, but everyone is just a big breasted bimbo who can only wear big breasted bimbo armor. Not calling anyone out here, but come on. Is this really needed?


All that said, can someone help me either with a collection or a working set of mods that doesn't make the game feel like I'm playing a cheap porn game? - If so, thank you for your time!

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