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Mod Request: Ebbelwoi


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I'm german. And more specifically, i'm hessian. As a hessian it kind of annoys me that when you make wine from apples the resulting product is called "Wine (apple)".

This drink made from fermenting apple juice is a hessian speciality drink commonly refered to in english as "applewine". That is of course wrong. The correct name of this drink is "Ebbelwoi". And furthermore, This:


is a "Bembel". The correct container to store or at the very least serve "Ebbelwoi".


I'd love to have a mod that does nothing but change the name of wine made from apples to "Ebbelwoi" and if possible also changes it's sprite to a bembel.

Unfortunatly i have absolutly no clue about how modding works so my only choice is to ask you people to make this.


Thanks in advance should any of you go ahead and make this^^

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