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Hogwarts Legacy

Vortex Mods Not working


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I am probably causing deja vu with my issue, but I cannot seem to find clear guidance for Vortex mods for Hogwarts Legacy (HL) with this issue I am having.


BLUF - I have installed Vortex Mod Manager, downloaded several mods for HL, followed all the directions and none of the mods work in the game.


I am sure I must have missed something (and it probably is a simple thing, lol), but every tutorial I have watched or read seems to show that I have done everything correctly. I have checked that the Vortex manager is up to date as well as the mods I have downloaded. I did read the mod directions to make sure if there was anything I needed to download first or with the mod. The game is through Steam and is up to date. The staging folder is in the same drive as the HL folders.


As I said, I am sure I must be missing something, but am unable to see where the issue lies. Any advice or help from this amazing group would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by cdb1701
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