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Wet body effect

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I have a custom body that I'm constantly improving. I thought that I already knew everything about the settings of materials and the correction of the N and S channels. But I ran into an incomprehensible garbage. I can't get the wet effect for the lower body (the torso itself with arms and head gets wet, as it should be). Everything below the waist, including the legs, does not get wet and does not react in any way to the yellow S-channel and the green N-channel. In the OS, getting wet works, but the yellow and green channel for the legs does not render in the game. I use materials and settings absolutely similar to fg, only with my own textures D(4k-dxt1), N(4k-bs5), S(4k-bs5). How can the upper body differ from the lower in terms of green and yellow channels? Any ideas?
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