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[SSE] [REQUEST] All Magic Schools scale with character level


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Hoenstly I would do it myself if I had an inkling on where to look but without such knowledge and no real clue where I could acquire said knowledge I am kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place!

Now magic scaling in skyrim sucks thats not exactly breaking news and while I am aware there are mods that let you scale with skill level (stand alone as well as part of Odin), neither is a good solution for me

I am using Paths of Sorcery, those trees are pretty damn satisfying. The stand alone mods to allow scaling with skill level add perks, would more than likely cause issues with PoS.

I am using Mysticism = Odin isnt gonna work out well either

I am also aware of mods scaling magnitude with Magicka, however my Magicka is kinda fluctuating based on what outfit I feel like wearing so that wouldnt actually make for a fun progresison either.


Really the simple solution that would be highly compatible and open ended and completely independent from uncapper being present or not would indeed be scaling with character level.

That a non magic using character would ultimately wind up having the same buffs honestly hardly matters either.

By my estimation an additonal magnitude of 1.5% per character level would make for a consistent growth that woudlnt wind up being overpowered but ensure to actually keep up with growing hp pools (specailly with fun stuff like OBIS and Deadly Dragons in my mod list)

So a character would start with 101.5% magnitude at level 1 -> small enough difference to not really matter.
At level 20 it would be 130% magnitude -> notably stonger than at level 1.

So yeah 1.5% increase sounds conservative enough to work out, altho I suppose a MCM for custom values wouldnt be such a bad thing having either


Yes I know PoS adds scaling as well but it's plain not powerful enough to keep up with hp pools of aforementioned mob modifications

Edited by 5assahuaranga
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