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Diversive/ world enchanting mods?


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ok well, this is my third time clean installing Oblivion, everytime, all my mods eventually make Oblivion broken or drop the frame rates so much its unplayable. well I learned my lesson, now im onlly downloading mods that I think are AMAZING and mods that add diversity and awsomeness to the game world. what I mean by this is, you can be traveling cyrodiil and find that a fort was recentlly raided by mauraders. then maybe a few days later, you walk by the same fort, and see that bandits attempted to clear it out. Basiclly mods that give you the "anything can happen" feel, and that everytime you load-up Oblivion, you expirience something completelly random and uniqe. If you know of any mods that add that kind of diversity, please tell me the mod, also if you have any mods you simplly cant play without, feel free to suggest them here as well, but im onlly downloading the best of the best! Thanks for your time.
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Get RPGBlackDragon's low poly grass if you're going to get low poly grass like Barlas said...pick 2sl for a decent look and decent performance...3s for grass that looks....not so good...but amazing performance. Also, pick up his Low Poly Trees mod and use version 1 (version 2 makes each branch a single triangle polygon and makes the leaves cartoonishly huge). Streamline as Barlas said (make sure to get 3.1b) and there's also an "Oblivion Stutter Reducer" mod that actually seems to work VERY well. Also, consider the PyFFI reduced meshes packages. They reduce the polygons in meshes of everything in vanilla Oblivion & SI by 50-60% and REALLY help performance...especially when used along with Wiseman's reduced texture package -- especially if you don't have a 512mb or higher card. You've also got the option of using PyFFI yourself to eliminate needless polygons from every mesh in your game. Search for it here and it will come with instructions...just be warned that it takes a LONG time, especially if you've got lots of mod-added meshes.


I suppose that doesn't answer your initial question as to what mods are the best as far as gameplay. Hopefully, though, this will help you get your performance up enough that you don't have to be quite as conservative with your mod choices!




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