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using the new crash log analyzer and still can't figure this out.


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I keep having a CTD whenever I open the map and click on a location to fast travel to. I'm completely stumped. Using the new crash log analyzer.







CLA SSE - Sephs Skyrim Experimental Crash Log Analyzer (0. :cool: / 2023.06.19
If you are asking others for assistance / help, ALWAYS provide the crashlog as well!
Crashlog tool/ver: CrashLoggerSSE v1-8-0-0 Feb 1 2023 00:20:05
Game Version: Skyrim SSE v1.6.640
Script Extender: skse64_1_6_640.dll
RAM used: 11.06
RAM avail: 15.91
RAM free: 4.85
RAM (all good):
It is absolute unlikely that the crash was due to RAM.
Header indicators:
Memory: 0x7FFD0D45EA7B (count: 2)
File: po3_PapyrusExtender.dll (count: :cool:
Address: 002EA7 (count: 2)
Assembler: call [rax+0x08] (count: 2)
Parsing results:
Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FFD0D45EA7B po3_PapyrusExtender.dll+002EA7B call [rax+0x08]
[ 0] 0x7FFD0D45EA7B po3_PapyrusExtender.dll+002EA7B call [rax+0x08] | D:\a\PapyrusExtenderSSE\PapyrusExtenderSSE\extern\CommonLibSSE\include\RE\E\ExtraDataList.h:147 ??$GetByType@VExtraMapMarker@RE@@@ExtraDataList@RE@@QEAAPEAVExtraMapMarker@1@XZ
[ 1] 0x7FFD0D45B7C2 po3_PapyrusExtender.dll+002B7C2 test rax, rax | D:\a\PapyrusExtenderSSE\PapyrusExtenderSSE\src\Game\HookedEventHandler.cpp:333 ?GetMapMarkerObject@FastTravel@Event@@YAPEAVTESObjectREFR@RE@@PEBD@Z
[ 2] 0x7FFD0D45C4BF po3_PapyrusExtender.dll+002C4BF test rax, rax | D:\a\PapyrusExtenderSSE\PapyrusExtenderSSE\src\Game\HookedEventHandler.cpp:406 ?thunk@GetFastTravelTarget@FastTravel@Event@@SAHPEAV?$BSStringT@D$0PPPPPPPP@VDynamicMemoryManagementPol@RE@@@RE@@PEBD1@Z
[RSP+28 ] 0x7FFD0D45B7C2 (void* -> po3_PapyrusExtender.dll+002B7C2 test rax, rax | D:\a\PapyrusExtenderSSE\PapyrusExtenderSSE\src\Game\HookedEventHandler.cpp:333 ?GetMapMarkerObject@FastTravel@Event@@YAPEAVTESObjectREFR@RE@@PEBD@Z)
[RSP+158 ] 0x7FFD0D45C4BF (void* -> po3_PapyrusExtender.dll+002C4BF test rax, rax | D:\a\PapyrusExtenderSSE\PapyrusExtenderSSE\src\Game\HookedEventHandler.cpp:406 ?thunk@GetFastTravelTarget@FastTravel@Event@@SAHPEAV?$BSStringT@D$0PPPPPPPP@VDynamicMemoryManagementPol@RE@@@RE@@PEBD1@Z)
call [rax+0x08]:
SkyrimSE.exe (count: 187)
This file on its own is not the cause, however, we'll do further parsing...
Could not find any known issues related to SkyrimSE.exe.
SkyrimSE.exe _might_ be listed for the sole reason of... you're playing this game!!
tbbmalloc.dll (count: 3)
Threading Building Blocks Memory Allocator
This is either part of:
Either way, make sure to have the 'latest' version variant for your Skyrim edition.
However, this probably is not the cause, but the causing mod relies on excessive memory handling.
HUD (count: 10)
There seems to be an issue with your HUD / UI.
Nordic UI using the TDM patch might be the cause (at the very least in combination with Skyrim Souls).
If that is not what you are using, please figure out a fix and send me your crashlog and solution.
NiNode (count: 1)
Ninodes are related to skeletons. It could be a wrong loadorder for skeleton based mods.
If you use HDT/SMP, make sure to load it like: Body (CBBE or BH/UNP) -> FNIS/Nemesis -> DAR -> HDT -> XP32
Also make sure that you've chosen the HDT/SMP variant of xpmsse.
If you find a mod name in the following list, try disabling it and rerurn FNIS or Nemesis.
RTTIName: "NiNode" (count: 1)
Name: "WorldRoot Camera" (count: 1)
RTTIName: "NiCamera" (count: 1)
Success Statistic: (this has been detected/handled, does not mean its the cause)
Issues Found: 4
Issues Solved: 4
DEBUG State:
Culprint list content: (just a list)
SkyrimSE.exe, tbbmalloc.dll, HUD, NiNode,
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