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7 Days To Die

7 Days to Die Xml Help please


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Ok guys it sucks but i have laptop and all all i can run prober is run alpha 15.


So ive been tinkering with the xml files and figured out how to edit radiation zones so they cant kill you.


using not pad edited Data/Config/Biomes first


starting at line 1036 on biomes file in alpha 15 i just edited the radiation lvl to 0


<!-- Radiated Main Biome -->
<biome name="radiated" biomemapcolor="#FF0000" radiationlevel="0">
then i went to buffs file
and at line 471 for alpha 15
changed this
<buff id="radiation" type="sickness" buffif="radiation greater 0" debuffif="radiation equals 0" icon="ui_game_symbol_radiation" name_key="radiation" description_key="radiationDesc" tooltip_key="radiationTooltip">
<buff id="radiation" type="sickness" buffif="radiation greater 0" debuffif="radiation equals 1" icon="ui_game_symbol_radiation" name_key="radiation" description_key="radiationDesc" tooltip_key="radiationTooltip">
this since the radiotion never trigers i never get debuffed.
heres where i runn ito an issues
i have explored some of it and looked all thats in rad zones are trees and cars so
i was hoping somoneone would know where i would find stuff like hospital abadoned house police stattion hell even gass station numbers.
what im trying to do is take this full biome file
<!-- Radiated Main Biome -->
<biome name="radiated" biomemapcolor="#FF0000" radiationlevel="0">
<Temperature min="40" max="50" prob="1"/>
<Fog min="10" max="40" prob="1"/>
<CloudThickness min="100" max="100" prob="1"/>
<Precipitation min="100" max="100" prob="1"/>
<Wind min="10" max="20" prob="0.9"/>
<Wind min="20" max="100" prob="0.1"/>
<layer depth="5" blockname="radiated" />
<layer depth="*" blockname="radiated" />
<layer depth="3" blockname="bedrock" />
<decoration type="block" blockname="treeDeadPineLeaf" prob ="0.020" rotatemax="7"/>
<decoration type="block" blockname="rock01" prob=".004" rotatemax="3"/>
<decoration type="block" blockname="cinderBlocks01" prob=".0065" rotatemax="3"/>
<decoration type="block" blockname="cinderBlocks02" prob=".0065" rotatemax="3"/>
<decoration type="block" blockname="cinderBlocks03" prob=".0065" rotatemax="3"/>
<decoration type="block" blockname="treeBurntPine01" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/>
<decoration type="block" blockname="treeBurntPine02" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/>
<decoration type="block" blockname="treeBurntPine03" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/>
<decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPineDry" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/>
<decoration type="block" blockname="treeDeadShrub" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/>
<decoration type="block" blockname="treeDeadTree02" prob="0.003" rotatemax="7"/>
<decoration type="block" blockname="cntCar03Damage2" prob="0.002" rotatemax="3"/>
<decoration type="block" blockname="treeBrownGrassDiagonal" prob =".05" />
<terrain class="Hills" />
and add some sort of house hospital some sort of building to it but i dont know where to find types or numbers. any help would be apreciated and sorry for the long explanation.


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esentinally im looking or asking anyone to to let me do somothing like this


<decoration type="block" blockname="Abandononded house 1" prob =".05" />


or this this


<decoration type="block" blockname="Hospital" prob =".05" />


of this


<decoration type="block" blockname="PoliceStation" prob =".05" />


but i dont think theres considered decorations idk

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