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G.E.C.K Cell, Object and Render windows not on screen


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ive just started to use the Geck bu when i opened it up today the three windows Cell, Object and Render windows were not o my screen anymore and whenever i try to open them up in the view menu it shows a little box but if i try to open the ox the window just goes off screen please help






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Do you own two monitors? Or does your PC contain a duel graphics channels, a way to have 2 monitors? right click the desk top and select display properties, get in there and select Identify main screen. if you find 2 of them being displayed, there is a drop down window that tells the OS to use only #1 as the main screen. This will also effect all games and settings too.


EDIT: after looking closely at that screen shot, it appears as though your running a standard VGA graphics driver? is this machine Intel graphics? i6 colors , not 32. that is what it looks like.



Edited by Purr4me
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