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Control NPC


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Hello there!

I'm exploring the world of screenshots and beautiful images that can be done in Skyrim, but atm I can't figure out how can I use NPCs like actors beside my own character.

I know I can apply poses to NPCs and I can spawn they beside me with the right console command, otherwise idk how to set the right position in the world, if I spawn NPC "x" at mine character then he/she goes away from me, I cant stop he/she with the console but I want set him/her in the right place for take my screenshot, I can't figure out how to do this stuff and I can't find any mod for help me in this.


Right now I'm using Poser Hotkeys Plus SSE and the console commands "tai", "tcai" and, off course, "placeatme".


I'm pretty sure that "tc" is the solution, but last time I tryed that command didn't work and I was unable to select any NPCs clicking on them with console opens.


Thanks in advice for who spent time for this post. :wub:

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First, use the console command player.TC to remove controls from your player. Then click on the NPC in the console and use the command TC to control the NPC

Thanks mate! I'll try as soon as possible!

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