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Oblivion Crash On Startup


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As the title says, Oblivion is crashing on startup - I don't get to the main screen, or even the Bethesda logo for that matter. I uninstalled the game earlier today, then went and manually removed all files pertaining to it, because I had had issues with the game crashing semi-randomly, like, after the Bethesda logo shows, or when I get to the main screen. If I managed to get as far as loading a save, as soon as the load bar finished (and before I could get to any gameplay), the game would instantly crash.


I recently added mods, for the first time. Aside from having the unofficial oblivion patch, I installed: OBSE, Oblivion Character Overhaul V2 (main file only), Map Marker Overhaul, and Pure Immersion. All of them were working correctly, and I was able to play the game just fine. I think I had one random crash, though. This was yesterday.


Today, I went to play again, and as described in the first paragraph, I could not even load my saves. So after uninstalling and doing a clean install, I reinstalled all of the mods as well as: the unofficial SI patch, the unofficial Oblivion mods patch, and the oblivion marriage mod, with it's patch. When everything was done, I went to launch oblivion, but I was given this message: "You are using the beta patch of Oblivion, please upgrade to"


Now, I didn't even know there WAS a beta patch. After several hours, I installed the official oblivion patch, and no longer got the above message, but now I'm having this crashing issue...


Any help at all would be very much appreciated! Oh, also - launching without OBSE still gives me the startup crash.

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Welcome GeekiiBookworm!


It's obviously your Oblivion crashes if you launch it without OBSE. OBSE is a MUST. You need OBSE to make several mods working. OBSE needs the oblivion to works correctly.

Oblivion Character Overhaul V2 for example needs it and needs also the blockhead obse based plugin. Have you installed it also?

I suggest to read always the readme files when you install a mod. It's very important.


You must do a clean installation. Apply the official patch BEFORE any other mod or patch to bring up oblivion to last version. Then try to play. If it's ok (as i think), you can begin to install mods. It's possibile that Oblivion randomly crashes if some mods conflict with others or if something is installed in a wrong way.


NOTE: It's possibile that you cannot reload a savegame after using mods because there are several mods' informations inside it. You can use Wrye Bash to perform an optimization of the savegame before removing the mod to make it works correctly after.


Have fun!

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Thanks Alenet! I did have OBSE - I think the problem was that some mods showed as if they were installed when in actuality, I had deleted them. I cleared everything off and then did another clean install of the game. I redownloaded the mods I wanted, and it seems to be working just fine. Thank you for the help! As most problems are, this one was simple human error xD

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