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7 Days To Die

Mod Request UL - Helicopter alternate control and upgrade


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can someone please make a mod which changes the control behavior of the helicopters in Undead Legacy, to be controlled just as any other vehicle?


Normally the dude from UD mod, made the helicopter to fly forward when you put the nose down, like it would be in reality, but he didn't counteract the helicopter flying into the ground, if you do that.


Also, you have to set the helicopter to a 90 degree, to get its full speed, which isn't more than a fast car. But on top, it's not possible to do either, since the helicopter will steer directly into the ground. To prevent that, you can only push the nose down to a maximum of 45 degree and constantly press the "fly upwards" button till your fingers hurt or it's steering into the ground, which results in slower speed than a car.


Overall, the helicopter in UD is tortuous to steer, slower than a military truck and has only 1/3 carry weight of a military truck.


I'm looking for someone who could please change the control and stats of the helicopters to:


- "press W - fly forward", with dropping the nose slowly automatically and having it accelerate like a car and always to top speed, but not flying into the ground. Like hovering always at the set height.


- steering up and down with A and D keys and faster than those 2cm height in 1 minute


- steering left/right with mouse


- At least a top speed of 100 (military), the normal one 80? and the single person 65?


- a lot more expensive to buy in the store, maybe 1,2 million (military), the normal helicopter adjusted to it and the single person one could be left as it is.


Would be absolute fantastic!



Edited by Mortadella
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