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Ceaser's Legion will not go Hostile until attacked.


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Hi, Guys. Today I ran into a bug where the NCR would attack my character for seemingly no reason. I tried waiting for a long period of time, reloading to a previous save, and several other methods, yet they continued to shoot me on sight. In response to this I used the console command "setally 000A46E7 0001B2A4 1 10" to reset my reputation with them and hopefully fix the problem. It did. But in the long run it seems to have only made matters worse. Now Ceaser's Legion will not go hostile until physically attacked. Even taunting them via the dialog tree seems to do nothing. Boon will also not attack them unless I do. This is a real immersion killer for me and I would very much like to return things back to normal, preferably without the NCR shooting at me again. Is there another console command that would set things back to normal without having to worry about the NCR shooting at me for no good reason ?

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