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Mystery Bug


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I will try not to be too vauge, but unfortunatly im stumped as there is no error message given. Game launches, I pick a save loads, and game just closes. No fatal error message, nothing.


Id include the load order file, but apperantly its not allowed.


edit: ok, well appernatly something has seriously F*cked up as it does the same thing when I make a brand NEW game.


I have a regular cocktail of mods I use, Is there a program I can use to test them BEFORE they screw my game up? I don't want to, but all I can think of at this point is digging around and trying to find my shivering isle and knights of nine disks for a clean install.

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Unless they made a new rule you can put your load order in.


But first. Start by disabling the most recent mod or three that you have



The best test for mods is to install one at a time and play test it before doing

another. If they are not complex you can do several.


The best way to trouble shoot a mod is to do a manual install in the first place.

Don't just "drag and drop to your Data folder". Study the folder structure of the mod

and compare it with the game.


Full details on the General Mod talk page - New to PC gaming ---- thread.

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Getting a load order list from OBMM


Of course you have to be running OBMM first to do this.


On the right, click on the box that says Import/Export


Select the top entry on the drop down list, View Load Order


Your load order will be displayed. Note that any inactive mods will not show in the list.


On the top left, click in the disk icon – a save box will pop up.


First you need to tell it where to save your list – the desktop is a good place and easy to find.


Next, go down to the second block at the bottom to select the save as type:

Pick Plain Text (*.Txt)


Now, in the File name block type in a name, such as Load List-1


Copy and paste the load order directly into to your post.


If you want to keep a copy for your own use, make a text file and past the same list into it.


Then 'save as' and give it a name that you will remember, such as Load list-1.txt


Be sure to manually input that you are using OBMM and if you are using them, OBSE and Wrye Bash as they are not really mods, but utility programs and will not show in the list.


BOSS is another utility, also used outside of the game. If you are using BOSS, you will need OBMM also as any mod not recognized by BOSS will be placed at the end of the load order. OBMM will allow manual placing of mods in the load order.

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I must be bored beyond salvation since I actually combed around to find my old disks. Still After completly trashing my old obliv folder ( whats the point in spending the next week trying to trouble shoot it) I went through a venerable slew of mods.


I made sure to patch the game with the offical 1.2xx, and for body I chooose HGEC's and Exnems. Ive only been playing for less than 10 minutes, but Ive encountered a few odd bugs already.


1. Some females appear to have purple in their armor (dead), I haven't seen it on any living NPC's but im also usually too busy trying to smack them down since Ive been trying to stick to the Tin Man style.


2. Claymores for some reason are missing their icon in the weapons tab. ( to my knowledge none of my addons messed with this.) So If theres an addon that can fix this simple problem, awsome.

-As far as I can tell this seems to be limited to claymores with an enchant on them.


3. My toon is a male nord, but I noticed when I took a trip to Skingrads smith her upper torso was missing.

-Installed HGEC a second time, but it appears all females are missing their upper torso. Install was done via Omod.

So far thats all Ive encountered too tired to go bug hunting for more screw ups.


/sigh I forgot why I stopped playing, until I had to reinstall Oblivion.

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