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I want to see a mod, or just more mods in general, that changes different regions of the Fallout 4 Commonwealth worldspace to be significantly more distinct from each other much like the distinctions between Fallout 76 world regions.

All I typically see on the Nexus and other modding websites is mods to change the wasteland near-completely. Stuff like forest mods, that desert mod, and the small handful of winter mods target nearly the whole wasteland making everything look extremely similar minus the glowing see 90% of the time.

I want to see a mod that, for example, changes the area around Sanctuary into a flatland plain with tall grass, the area around Salem into a redwood forest, the area around Lexington into a desert wasteland, and the glowing sea into a crystal-ridden mountainous region. It doesn't need to specifically be these changes, I just want to see more mods that change specific regions into more fantastical environments.

I've seen a similar mod in the form of The Fungal Forest on the Nexus. It's a mod that only changes the glowing sea and it adds giant fungi around the glowing sea, making it into a more visually interesting and fantasy-like region.

The main issue I see with mods attempting this is LOD issues and compatibility problems. I'm not entirely sure LODs can be mixed and matched very easily, and if a mod only radically changes one region there could be issues between other mods changing different regions, moreso than existing environment mods. It's already a pain downloading 3-4 different patches for one forest mod, I imagine it'd be excruciating for most to download 20+ to ensure compatibility between PRP and each of the regional mods they download.

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