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Have these mods been made?


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I'm wondering if there are any fire texture mods? I tried searching in "fire" but nothing related came up. I don't like how the fire looks in the game, so a replacement would be great.
Also, are there any mods where there are more people people roam the wasteland? Usually it's just enemies, but it'd be interesting to come across more average survivors (there are some in the game, but they're beyond rare, at least for me) or even child survivors, that would be interesting too.

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As far as I know, there's no fire replacement, but I can have a look on what is possible to do.

As for your second question have a look at MTC Wasteland Travellers V2 and/or

Crowded Cities v2.


I already installed Crowded Cities and it sounds great, but MTC is exactly what I wanted, thank you! There was another one I was looking at, but you needed Broken Steel I think.


Hopefully I'll be able to try this out in the first place because I seem to be having some crashing problems :(


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