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Unbound dremora follower


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This doesn't sound like a lot to ask.

Make it summonable anywhere, and make it a follower, which sneaks when you sneak and can be given orders and traded with.

When you tell it to part ways, it teleports away until you summon it again, using the summon unbound dremora spell.

I know there's already a dremora follower mod out there, but that one doesn't smell weakness like a real dremora.

Requires completion of the ritual spell quest.


Also, give it a lightning spell like Oblivion's dremoras, and a flame atronach summon (unless clannfears are in vanilla skyrim)

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  • 3 years later...

I was about to post a similar request when I found this post.


I don't even think having the Dremora as a follower is that important, all I wanted was for it to be summonable everywhere, instead of being a one-use spell and then just staying there cluttering up your spell list.

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